American Mocha Porter 3.0kg ‐ A.M.P.


At A Glance:
Makes 30 Pint
Ready in only 21-28 days

1 in stock

SKU: Y-1286 Categories: ,


The American Mocha Porter is a modern take on the traditional Stouts and Porters, popular in Britain since the 1700’s. When the American Craft Beer movement started in late 1970’s, innovative brewers were looking for new styles to create, so radical re-vamps and amalgamations of the old classics from their brewing forefathers seemed like an obvious place to start.

This beer brings together, in suitably dramatic style, the best of two classic styles the Coffee Porter and Chocolate Stout.
Our American Mocha Porter looks the part, pouring a dark Chocolate with a big white fluffy head. With bags of Coffee and Chocolate essence reinforcing and magnifying the natural rich and roasty character of the malts, this beer flaunts a wonderfully intense aroma of Coffee and Chocolate which explodes from the glass. The flavour is amazingly complex, with the heavenly seductive pairing of Coffee and Chocolate linking perfectly, with the natural Porter character.
A beer that is sure to delight dark beer lovers, Coffee addicts and Chocoholics alike.


Pours a dark chocolate with a big off white fluffy head.


An amazing intense aroma of coffee and chocolate explode from the glass.


Amazing flavour, there’s a great complexity there, coffee and chocolate character comes through nicely – but not over powering, links nicely with the natural ported character.



Malt Extract (gluten), Natural Flavouring, Natural Coco Flavouring, Hop Extract, Dried Brewing Yeast.

See all allergies in BOLD.

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