Home Brewing Has Grown Up
Never before has home beer-making been so easy, tasty and problem free. With The BruBox there is no mess, no smell and, due to the entirely closed production method, virtually no chance of infection.
There are several variants each producing 10 litres of fantastic quality beer.
Each kit consists of the finest quality brewing grade malt extract, genuine top or bottom fermenting yeast and our revolutionary new BruBagsystem which, for the first time, enables fresh hops and grains to be used to enhance the flavour without any messy straining.
As the BruBox is not a single use product you will soon be ready for another brew. This time, instead of just the four original kits, you will have the choice of SEVENTEEN QUALITY BEERS covering all of the world’s major styles (and some of the minor ones). With Brupaks’ innovative Beers of the World you will make the best quality beers ever from a beer kit. Follow the link for details of the full range.